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Particle Fever Barney Barron World Premier Doors Open at 6:30 with music and raffle and prizes. Movie starts at 7:30pm with music by Burleigh Skidmore
Welcome to the world premier of Particle Fever, a groundbreaking documentary by Josh Pomer about the amazing world of surfing innovator and artist Barney Barron. "Everyone who knew Barney was better for it, and everyone who sees the film will get to know Barney" Join us for an unforgettable evening filled with music, a raffle, and the World Premier of PARTICLE FEVER BARNEY BARRON. Don't miss out on this exclusive opportunity to witness the birth of a cinematic masterpiece. See you there! Check out the raffle and live music plus an awesome Barney Barron movie experience.
Show time: 7:15 PM, doors 6:15 PM
Tickets: $10
Advance tickets